OKLAHOMA CITY – Faith and community leaders gathered Wednesday for the ‘Just Love Summit’ at Cole Community Center.
The conversation at the summit was called ‘Our Faith, Our Jail and Our People.’
The goal is to get churches involved in positive justice reform, as well as ministering to those incarcerated both short and long-term in our community.
This comes at a time when big changes are in store for how the Oklahoma County Jail is operated.
“While I think at times you have people who say if you do the crime, you should do the time, then that’s the last thought they have about being incarcerated,” said John Middendorf, pastor at Oklahoma City First Church of the Nazarene. “I read a scripture about caring for the folks who are in prison, visiting the people in prison who tell us we are supposed to be about the people on the margins who are the least of these.”
Volunteers are wanted for many aspects of jail ministry and work.
You can find out more through ‘The Justice Circle’ Facebook page.
United Voice mission statement: A coalition of Oklahoma’s media outlets, brought together in a united voice to promote a healthy dialogue on race.