
29th Street Dental Care: Will I be aware of the procedure while I’m sedated?

If you’re concerned if you’ll be aware of what’s going on with your sedation appointment, the answer is no. What happens with oral conscious sedation is you’ll take a pill an hour before. You may remember coming to the office and you may remember a little bit when you get here, but what my patients tell me day in and day out is that they don’t really remember anything. They have little to no memory of the appointment itself. They go home, they recover nicely, they wake up and everything is great. For patients that want to be sedated or they have a high fear of going to the dentist, they’ll not remember anything and that’s the nice thing about it.

If you have any questions, please give us call at 405-222-0222, we’d love to visit with you. Or, ask your question in the form below.

29th Street Dental Care
2900 West Grand
Chickasha, OK 73018

This content sponsored by 29th Street Dental Care.