So you’re wondering what’s sedation dentistry is. To start with, sedation dentistry is when you take a pill to get your dentistry done. We’ve treated thousands of people from all across Oklahoma since 1998. It’s absolutely revolutionized the way I do dentistry. Sedation dentistry is for those people who have a high fear or high anxiety about going to the dentist, or it can also be for those people who want to combine multiple visits into one. Someone who might need 6, 7, or 8 visits, can have all those treatments in as little as one visit.
If you have any questions please give us call at 405-222-0222, we’d love to visit with you. Or, ask your question in the form below.
29th Street Dental Care
2900 West Grand
Chickasha, OK 73018
This content sponsored by 29th Street Dental Care.