Woman with anti-Trump sticker on truck posts controversial change

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RICHMOND, Texas – The driver of a pickup displaying a profane message to President Donald Trump and his supporters has made a change to the decal.

“F*** TRUMP AND F*** YOU FOR VOTING FOR HIM” reads the decal in bold white letters. A hand with a middle finger extended sits in the middle of the decal.

Karen Fonseca says she’s been repeatedly stopped by law officers, but that they have no grounds to issue a citation.

Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy Nehls on Wednesday posted a photo of the truck message on Facebook alongside a request to speak with the driver. The post has since been removed.

Nehls said Wednesday that the message could cause offense and raised the possibility of a misdemeanor disorderly conduct charge. He later said he supports freedom of speech rights.

Last week, authorities arrested Karen Fonseca after learning that she was wanted for fraud in a case that dates back to August.

After being released on bond, Fonseca decided to make a change to the decal, according to KPRC. However, it was not the change law enforcement wanted.

Instead of taking it down, Fonseca added “F*** Troy Nehls and F*** You for Voting for Him.”

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