The end of the Trump impeachment trial — what now?

Washington DC Bureau
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WASHINGTON, D.C. (Nexstar) — With a final vote, President Trump’s impeachment trial is over.

The Senate voted to clear him of both impeachment charges: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

Utah Senator Mitt Romney was the only Republican voting to convict the President, saying, “What the President did was wrong, grievously wrong.”

Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz says he looked at the facts and came to a different conclusion, a sentiment echoed by Texas Republican Sen. John Cornyn.

“The evidence we’ve heard does not rise to the level of treason, bribery or other high crimes,” said Cornyn.

House Democrats argued that the President should be removed from office for pressuring the Ukrainian President to investigate Joe Biden, in exchange for military aid.

Texas Democratic Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia says her team from the House presented overwhelming evidence against the President. But she says the Senators already made up their minds.

“He’s abused his power,” said Garcia. “He has betrayed our national interest. He called a foreign government to try to cheat in an election. He got caught and then he tried to cover it up. That is behavior that is not acceptable.”

Some House Democrats say they plan to keep investigating Trump’s relationship with Ukraine, despite the acquittal, but Republicans say it’s time to put this in the past.

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