Tulsa man accused of robbing Waffle House arrested after parents recognize him on local news

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TULSA, Okla. – A Tulsa man accused of robbing a Waffle House was arrested after his parents recognized him on the news.

Around 3:30 a.m. on Thursday, police say Andrew Deweese, 36 walked into a Tulsa Waffle House and ordered some eggs and hash browns.

After he finished, the man wrote a note on a napkin demanding money.

According to KJRH, he showed the note to two workers, who complied with the cash.

Surveillance video showed that the man was wearing a Broncos hat and was driving a dark-colored Ford Ranger.

Deweese’s parents were watching the local news Thursday night when they recognized their son as the Waffle House suspect, The Tulsa World reports.

The couple drove to their son’s apartment, where they say they found him counting money on the couch.

His mother then called the police to report her son.

Deweese was arrested for first-degree robbery by force or fear.

Police say he admitted to the crime during an interview.

Andrew Nicholas Deweese
Andrew Nicholas Deweese

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