Trump fan pulls out all the stops to see presidential candidate

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OKLAHOMA CITY – An Oklahoma man has been at the Oklahoma State Fair all day, hoping to meet Donald Trump.

Johnny Goudeau says he plans on waiting however long it takes for a chance to see the presidential hopeful.

Trump, a Republican presidential candidate, has gained popularity in recent months.

Goudeau thinks Trump will be our nation’s next President.

He says nothing will move him from his seat.

“I got diapers,” Goudeau said laughing. “I’m a cancer patient – prostate cancer.”

Even while crews were setting up the stage, he did not budge.

“He got here at 8:30 and he was sitting here 1:14,” Brandon Alves, with Toucan Productions said.

Goudeau has thought of everything.

“I’ve got a solid piece of ice for water and crackers,” he said.

Around 12,000 people are expected to crowd around the Bandshell Stage to hear Trump’s speech.

He is scheduled to take the stage Friday at 6:30 p.m.

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