A federal Grand Jury in Oklahoma City has issued a two count indictment against Shlevie Raymond Tabb the depaint section chief for the Tinkers’ 566th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. The indictment alleges Tabb took “things of value” from AeroChem Inc. an Oklahoma City Based supplier of paint remover.
The indictment states “…while serving as Depaint Section Chief at Tinker, Tabb engaged in a course of conduct in which he corruptly sought, received, and accepted a stream of benefits in the form of payments of Untied States Currency from a represented of AeroChem, in exchange for Tabb’s favorable treatment of AreoChem’s business interests…”
If convicted Tabb faces not more than 15 years in prison and a quarter million dollar fine. He also faces forfeiture of any property gained in his alleged illegal enterprise.