Every year, gas prices continue to rise and therefore make owning a car that much more expensive. Those who were set back an average of $2.51 per gallon last year long for the $0.17 Americans paid 70 years ago.
Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), FindTheData found the average price of gas in every year since 1945.
The data is a combination of observed price averages and estimates based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI).*
[findthebest id=”5vw0c42mbkN” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries Over Time” width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/5vw0c42mbkN” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com/l/104/2016-Consumer-Price-Index” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries Over Time | MooseRoots”]
*Prices from 1935-1977 are estimated based on the gasoline bucket of the CPI. After 1978, FindTheData used the yearly averages reported by the BLS.
[findthebest id=”guR8Z4Ark6V” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1945″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/guR8Z4Ark6V” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1945 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.17
Change from the previous year: $0.00
[findthebest id=”QqNyLjBWJ” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1946″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/QqNyLjBWJ” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1946 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.17
Change from the previous year: $0.00
[findthebest id=”b0bzAzjoKIR” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1947″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/b0bzAzjoKIR” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1947 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.19
Change from the previous year: $0.02
[findthebest id=”8fQMTjFSt1P” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1948″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/8fQMTjFSt1P” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1948 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.22
Change from the previous year: $0.03
[findthebest id=”jfbVGkdXBNX” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1949″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/jfbVGkdXBNX” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1949 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.23
Change from the previous year: $0.01
[findthebest id=”2LbduOoPTDL” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1950″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/2LbduOoPTDL” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1950 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.22
Change from the previous year: $-0.01
[findthebest id=”dKwmhOWV2pT” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1951″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/dKwmhOWV2pT” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1951 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.23
Change from the previous year: $0.01
[findthebest id=”7zgAIvguTBz” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1952″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/7zgAIvguTBz” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1952 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.24
Change from the previous year: $0.01
[findthebest id=”iyBJvvOA2nH” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1953″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/iyBJvvOA2nH” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1953 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.25
Change from the previous year: $0.01
[findthebest id=”24B1jZZskdv” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1954″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/24B1jZZskdv” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1954 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.26
Change from the previous year: $0.01
[findthebest id=”d3Wa70xxsZD” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1955″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/d3Wa70xxsZD” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1955 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.26
Change from the previous year: $0.00
[findthebest id=”ajBnpKU1biB” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1956″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/ajBnpKU1biB” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1956 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.27
Change from the previous year: $0.01
[findthebest id=”liWwcLs6k4J” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1957″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/liWwcLs6k4J” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1957 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.28
Change from the previous year: $0.01
[findthebest id=”4OVO1fCYBUx” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1958″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/4OVO1fCYBUx” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1958 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.28
Change from the previous year: $0.00
[findthebest id=”fOgWOgb3KGF” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1959″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/fOgWOgb3KGF” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1959 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.28
Change from the previous year: $0.00
[findthebest id=”6c6cmSrJKL3″ title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1960″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/6c6cmSrJKL3″ link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1960 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.29
Change from the previous year: $0.01
[findthebest id=”hbrl9SZOTxb” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1961″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/hbrl9SZOTxb” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1961 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.29
Change from the previous year: $0.00
[findthebest id=”HqCYnaHbmZ” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1962″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/HqCYnaHbmZ” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1962 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.29
Change from the previous year: $0.00
[findthebest id=”bGLLLnIMk97″ title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1963″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/bGLLLnIMk97″ link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1963 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.29
Change from the previous year: $0.00
[findthebest id=”8WqZ485g2s5″ title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1964″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/8WqZ485g2s5″ link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1964 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.29
Change from the previous year: $0.00
[findthebest id=”jVM7R8Dlbed” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1965″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/jVM7R8Dlbed” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1965 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.30
Change from the previous year: $0.01
[findthebest id=”3rLpFCOdt41″ title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1966″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/3rLpFCOdt41″ link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1966 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.30
Change from the previous year: $0.00
[findthebest id=”er6ysDmiBQ9″ title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1967″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/er6ysDmiBQ9″ link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1967 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.31
Change from the previous year: $0.01
[findthebest id=”7oCxFNF9vfv” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1968″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/7oCxFNF9vfv” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1968 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.32
Change from the previous year: $0.01
[findthebest id=”inXGsOdeE1D” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1969″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/inXGsOdeE1D” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1969 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.33
Change from the previous year: $0.01
[findthebest id=”1TWYhio6VRr” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1970″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/1TWYhio6VRr” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1970 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.33
Change from the previous year: $0.00
[findthebest id=”cTi74iWc4Dz” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1971″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/cTi74iWc4Dz” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1971 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.33
Change from the previous year: $0.00
[findthebest id=”a8Xkn3iFMWx” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1972″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/a8Xkn3iFMWx” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1972 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.34
Change from the previous year: $0.01
[findthebest id=”l8ita3QKVIF” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1973″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/l8ita3QKVIF” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1973 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.37
Change from the previous year: $0.03
[findthebest id=”4EhKYy1Ddyt” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1974″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/4EhKYy1Ddyt” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1974 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.50
Change from the previous year: $0.13
[findthebest id=”fDCTLyzImkB” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1975″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/fDCTLyzImkB” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1975 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.53
Change from the previous year: $0.03
[findthebest id=”61s9kaQomoZ” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1976″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/61s9kaQomoZ” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1976 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.56
Change from the previous year: $0.03
[findthebest id=”h0Ni7botvb7″ title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1977″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/h0Ni7botvb7″ link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1977 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.59
Change from the previous year: $0.03
[findthebest id=”wMzVFzlN0V” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1978″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/wMzVFzlN0V” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1978 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.65
Change from the previous year: $0.06
[findthebest id=”bw7IIG7qVN3″ title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1979″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/bw7IIG7qVN3″ link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1979 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.88
Change from the previous year: $0.23
[findthebest id=”8LMW1qtUE61″ title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1980″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/8LMW1qtUE61″ link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1980 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $1.22
Change from the previous year: $0.34
[findthebest id=”jL84Or1ZMS9″ title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1981″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/jL84Or1ZMS9″ link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1981 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $1.35
Change from the previous year: $0.13
[findthebest id=”3h7mCVcS4HX” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1982″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/3h7mCVcS4HX” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1982 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $1.28
Change from the previous year: $-0.07
[findthebest id=”egsvpVKXdu5″ title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1983″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/egsvpVKXdu5″ link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1983 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $1.22
Change from the previous year: $-0.06
[findthebest id=”85cJQC4x4FL” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1984″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/85cJQC4x4FL” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1984 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $1.20
Change from the previous year: $-0.02
[findthebest id=”j4xSDCCCdrT” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1985″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/j4xSDCCCdrT” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1985 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $1.19
Change from the previous year: $-0.01
[findthebest id=”2Axas6NuvhH” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1986″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/2Axas6NuvhH” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1986 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.93
Change from the previous year: $-0.26
[findthebest id=”dzSjf7lzE3P” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1987″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/dzSjf7lzE3P” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1987 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.96
Change from the previous year: $0.03
[findthebest id=”aPxwxRI3mmN” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1988″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/aPxwxRI3mmN” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1988 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $0.96
Change from the previous year: $0.00
[findthebest id=”lOSFkSg8v8V” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1989″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/lOSFkSg8v8V” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1989 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $1.06
Change from the previous year: $0.10
[findthebest id=”5kRX9mr0MYJ” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1990″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/5kRX9mr0MYJ” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1990 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $1.22
Change from the previous year: $0.16
[findthebest id=”gkd5WmZ5VKR” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1991″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/gkd5WmZ5VKR” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1991 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $1.20
Change from the previous year: $-0.02
[findthebest id=”6I2luZfLVPf” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1992″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/6I2luZfLVPf” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1992 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $1.19
Change from the previous year: $-0.01
[findthebest id=”hHnuhZNR4Bn” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1993″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/hHnuhZNR4Bn” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1993 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $1.17
Change from the previous year: $-0.02
[findthebest id=”1dmM6tYJmrb” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1994″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/1dmM6tYJmrb” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1994 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $1.17
Change from the previous year: $0.00
[findthebest id=”ccHUTuwOvdj” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1995″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/ccHUTuwOvdj” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1995 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $1.21
Change from the previous year: $0.04
[findthebest id=”9sn8ceTidwh” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1996″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/9sn8ceTidwh” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1996 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $1.29
Change from the previous year: $0.08
[findthebest id=”krIgZfrnmip” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1997″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/krIgZfrnmip” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1997 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $1.29
Change from the previous year: $0.00
[findthebest id=”3XHyNJCfE8d” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1998″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/3XHyNJCfE8d” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1998 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $1.12
Change from the previous year: $-0.17
[findthebest id=”eX2HAKakMUl” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1999″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/eX2HAKakMUl” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 1999 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $1.22
Change from the previous year: $0.10
[findthebest id=”73krAossIxn” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2000″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/73krAossIxn” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2000 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $1.56
Change from the previous year: $0.34
[findthebest id=”i2FAnp0xRjv” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2001″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/i2FAnp0xRjv” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2001 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $1.53
Change from the previous year: $-0.03
[findthebest id=”1yESbTbq99j” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2002″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/1yESbTbq99j” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2002 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $1.44
Change from the previous year: $-0.09
[findthebest id=”cy00YTJvhVr” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2003″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/cy00YTJvhVr” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2003 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $1.64
Change from the previous year: $0.20
[findthebest id=”9NFehE5Z0ep” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2004″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/9NFehE5Z0ep” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2004 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $1.92
Change from the previous year: $0.28
[findthebest id=”kN0n4EE490x” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2005″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/kN0n4EE490x” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2005 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $2.34
Change from the previous year: $0.42
[findthebest id=”4iZET8OWqQl” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2006″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/4iZET8OWqQl” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2006 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $2.63
Change from the previous year: $0.29
[findthebest id=”fikNG9n1zCt” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2007″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/fikNG9n1zCt” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2007 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $2.85
Change from the previous year: $0.22
[findthebest id=”5Ga3eLDHzGR” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2008″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/5Ga3eLDHzGR” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2008 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $3.32
Change from the previous year: $0.47
[findthebest id=”gFvc1MbMIsZ” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2009″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/gFvc1MbMIsZ” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2009 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $2.40
Change from the previous year: $-0.92
[findthebest id=”butQgmF0iN” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2010″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/butQgmF0iN” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2010 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $2.84
Change from the previous year: $0.44
[findthebest id=”baPCDgUK94V” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2011″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/baPCDgUK94V” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2011 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $3.58
Change from the previous year: $0.74
[findthebest id=”8quPW1hdRnT” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2012″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/8quPW1hdRnT” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2012 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $3.70
Change from the previous year: $0.12
[findthebest id=”jpPYJ1Pj0a1″ title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2013″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/jpPYJ1Pj0a1″ link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2013 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $3.58
Change from the previous year: $-0.12
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Gasoline Price: $3.43
Change from the previous year: $-0.15
[findthebest id=”dVapkwygqLX” title=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2015″ width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”https://w.graphiq.com/w/dVapkwygqLX” link=”http://cpi.mooseroots.com” link_text=”Price of Gasoline and Groceries in 2015 | MooseRoots”]
Gasoline Price: $2.51
Change from the previous year: $-0.92