Tennessee man stabs wife 17 times in argument over parenting style, police say

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ANTIOCH, Tenn. – A woman is in critical condition after police said the woman’s husband stabbed her several times, according to WSMV.

Metro police said they found the victim on Tuesday at a home on the 2500 block of Rosalee Court. She was found stabbed in the torso and back. Affidavits show her husband, Jeremy Tyress Johnson, is charged with attempted criminal homicide.

Investigators said Johnson admitted to stabbing his wife after an argument about their parenting style.

Affidavits show the victim was in the shower when her 6-year-old went in and told her that Johnson gave her warm water. The victim also told investigators that Johnson was “bickering” with the child.

The victim told police that Johnson went into the bathroom and the two began to argue.

The victim reportedly asked Johnson to leave for the night but he refused. The victim told Johnson that she was leaving, which enraged Johnson and, subsequently, he punched her in the mouth and proceeded to stab her with a kitchen knife while she was still in the shower.

The victim was taken to Vanderbilt University Medical Center where it was discovered she had been stabbed 17 times with wounds to her neck, behind her ear, right shoulder, left armpit, and mid back. The victim also suffered from a busted lip.

Johnson is facing charges of attempted criminal homicide, a charge that comes with a bond of $250,000. He is currently being housed in Davidson County Jail.

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