
Pageant Queens “Beard Up” At OCU

OKLAHOMA CITY — On the campus of Oklahoma City University students, faculty and staff along with some of the prettiest faces on campus are getting Thundered Up.

University President Robert Henry says, “We are Thunder crazy. We are Thundering up at ocu every day.”

And in every way!  From the OCU Law School to the Hall of Queens.

Henry says, “Even these hallowed pictures are not immune from being Thundered Up.”
It’s no act of vandalism, a few dozen former OCU students and pageant queens are all donning beards.

Some are a little small, others a tad too big, though oddly enough some fit quite well.
Henry says, “Everyone is getting Thundered up and bearded up.”

Only the ladies on the top row aren’t donning beards. Though some of them have asked the university to beard up their picture. Unfortunately, no one can reach that high.

It’s not just these ladies, but out in front of the university three former Miss America’s are getting ready for Tuesday’s game as well.

Thunder fever is spreading like a sort of plague across campus.

Henry says, “You will see Thunder stuff everywhere from shirts on statues, armbands on the presidents to buttons and lapel pins.”

One of the campus dean’s has even created a “No Shave Zone” Facebook page encouraging others to grow out their stubble.

The university president says it’s all good fun to show their support of our city and this championship caliber team.

We’ve set up a link to the “No Shave Zone” Facebook page for those of you who want to join in on the fun.

That link can also be found at KFOR.com/links. And don’t forget while on our website you can print out your own beard as well.