OKLAHOMA CITY – Police are investigating a 22-year-old man found dead after partying with friends.
Witnesses blame it on a Fentanyl patch he was given to treat pain.
The family of Donte Sanders is still trying to make sense of his sudden death.
“This is not sitting right with me,” his mother, Latisha Sanders, said.
His girlfriend, Kylie King, said it happened after a small get-together to celebrate a friend’s birthday.
Donte and a handful of others spent the evening at King’s grandmother’s apartment.
King said Donte was experiencing pain in his hand from an injury a week before, and he insisted ibuprofen wasn’t cutting it.
“So he went to my grandma and asked her,” King said. “Well, she gave him a Fentanyl patch.”
King said she warned him not to do it because his body might not be able to handle it, but he ignored it.
“I remember him going in there to her and telling her it was making him feel weird,” King said. “And she told him to put it back on and go in there and he would be fine.”
But when she woke the next morning, she said she found him unresponsive.
“I thought it was a dream,” King said. “And I shook him and rubbed my hand down his face and on my hand was his vomit and foam.”
That’s when she said she called 911 and Donte’s family.
“When his body came out, that’s a sight that me, my second oldest son, and my husband will never forget,” Sanders said.
Dante’s mother said she doesn’t know what or who to believe about what happened that night.
“There’s a lot of accusations and different things, holes in their stories that don’t add up,” Sanders said referring to those at the party.
But there’s one person she believes is responsible.
“The grandmother. It’s a prescribed medication, it’s a narcotic prescribed for you,” Sanders said. “If she knew from what they say that he was drinking, why would you give him a medication, period?”
News 4 met the accused grandmother and she let us record an interview. However, after we left, she asked us not to share her side after all.
Meanwhile, Sanders was told it could take months to get a toxicology report on her son’s body, and for charges to be filed on anyone.
“I just want answers,” Sanders said.