Several hundred protestors block streets in Oklahoma City

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OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – A few hundred protestors gathered in Oklahoma City protesting the death of George Floyd.

It began at the intersection of NW 23rd and Classen, where protestors blocked traffic. 

The police came to try to clear the area several times throughout the evening. Several people were arrested. 

People say the protest isn’t just for George Floyd, but for every person who’s been a victim of racism and oppression. 

Protesters gather in Oklahoma City wanting justice in the death of George Floyd
Protesters gather in Oklahoma City wanting justice for the death of George Floyd

“For years nothing has been done about it… so this should be the one. It’s all across the nation, it’s nationwide, and I feel like that should make a difference,” Syn D’Vaughn, an attendee, said.

“They just gotta picture if it was they brother or they son or somebody they love,” an attendee named Chris said.

Police say 13 people were arrested from the protest. Three officers sustained minor injuries.

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