
Noodling reality show star arrested in Stephens County

"Mudcats" star in custody after home invasion

DUNCAN, Okla. – A cold case is over after two men are arrested in Stephens County this morning. John Oxford and Winston Walters were initially arrested on drug charges, but a gun found at the scene linked the two men to a brutal home invasion that occurred in Stephens County earlier this year.

Oxford and Walters allegedly invaded a couple’s home in January. The man was shot and the woman tied up as the burglars ransacked their Comanche home, stealing money and guns.

Initial arrests were made, but DNA evidence cleared those suspects.

“You have to make sure that you have enough evidence, that when you do arrest this person, they go away and go away for a long time,” Sheriff of Stephens County Wayne McKinney said.

During a routine drug bust in early November police recovered a weapon registered to a family in a rural home they say was taken during the home invasion in January.

One of the men arrested, Walters, stars in the National Geographic Reality Show “Mudcats” about noodling in Oklahoma.

“We have a full confession from one of the individuals to what occurred. He also led us to a remote area in Cotton County where they had buried the actual weapon that they had shot Mr. Roebuck with along with another weapon,” McKinney said.

The men are in Stephens County Jail for robbery, kidnapping and shooting with the intent to kill.

Sheriff McKinney said he expects the two in court sometime Thursday.