Ranchers on edge after cow found mutilated in Oklahoma pasture

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FLETCHER, Okla. – Farmers and ranchers in one Oklahoma community are on edge following a disturbing discovery.

Recently, some ranchers in Comanche County have gone to their pastures only to find some of their cows had been killed and mutilated.

Last week, Betty Bessire went outside and saw her pregnant cow had been killed.

Officials with the Comanche County Sheriff’s Department told KSWO that the criminals cut the cow’s uterus, milk bag and right ear.

Sheriff Kenny Stradley said they have investigated similar cases in the past, but not to this magnitude.

At this point, Stradley said they don’t have any suspects and are relying on the community to report suspicious behavior.

As for Bessire, she has a message for the vicious trespasser.

“Better hide your ass. Don’t let me know who did it,” she said.

Stradley said the person responsible would be arrested and charged with cruelty to animals.

If you have any information, call the Comanche County Sheriff’s Department.

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