Public transit group claims it had no clue executive director had abusive past

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OKLAHOMA CITY – A public transportation association that works closely with state agencies just hired a man with an abusive past.

The Oklahoma Transit Association appointed Mark Nestlen as its executive director.

Nestlen plead guilty to domestic violence charges against his wife back in 2014. He was appointed to the position last month.

The role of the OTA is to work closely alongside local, state and federal governments to improve access and mobility with public transportation.

Before his new job, Warr Acres police responded to a domestic violence call on April 13, 2014.

In the police report, Nestlen’s wife told officers he got angry with her when she wanted to turn off the TV and go to bed.

The affidavit shows Nestlen began slapping his wife repeatedly and then threw cowboy boots at her, leaving her bruised.

Nestlen plead guilty to two counts of domestic violence and, in return, he received a deferred sentence. It expires March 29, 2018.

News 4 tried calling Nestlen and stopping by his home, but no one answered.

We emailed OTA’s president, Steve Spradling, asking why Nestlen was appointed to the position with his background.

“To be honest, I was unaware of any past convictions,” Spradling said. “The board will be discussing this newly-learned information.”

Nestlen owns a political and sports marketing firm. Before his 2014 arrest, Nestlen was a consultant on gubernatorial candidate Joe Dorman’s campaign.

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