Police: Victim grabs onto back of stolen car as alleged thief tries to drive away

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OKLAHOMA CITY – A man’s tight grip is responsible for catching an accused thief in the act.

On July 6, officers were driving in the 400 block of S.W. 15th St. when they spotted a man hanging onto the back luggage rack of an SUV.

According to the arrest affidavit, the man was yelling, “Help me! She stole my car.”

Immediately, officers pulled behind the SUV and the man got off the back of the vehicle.

However, the driver of the SUV didn’t stop.

The affidavit states that the driver, who was later identified as 34-year-old Elisha Overstreet, obeyed traffic laws, but ignored officers when they used the P.A. system to tell her to pull over.

Eventually, she was taken into custody when she got stuck in traffic near Reno and MacArthur Blvd.

The victim told police that he was driving around with Overstreet when he stopped at a store to buy something. While he was inside, he claims that she got into the driver’s seat and began driving away with his car.

The victim says he was able to grab onto the back and hold on until he saw the officers.

Overstreet was arrested on one complaint of larceny of a motor vehicle.

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