Photo captures hope amid protests in Oklahoma City

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OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – A moment during the protests this weekend in downtown Oklahoma City is forever stamped into the memory of a demonstrator and an Oklahoma City police officer.

A picture, taken by Bryan Terry for The Oklahoman, shows Sgt. Amy Hanson holding hands and praying with Drew Rhodes.

Rhodes is an educator with the Oklahoma City Public School District.

He says at first, he had his hands up along the barricade in a fist in anger. Then, decided to lower it and open his hand out to officers.

“I was very compelled to go talk to him. He was peaceful. He was just waiting, just waiting for someone to make contact, talk to him,” said Hanson.

“We both had the same feeling. We were both drawn towards each other. Love, powerful soul, just soul to soul, just a connection, still feel it,” said Rhodes.

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