
Pay it 4ward: Eleven year old uses Shop with a Cop trip to pay family’s bills

MCLOUD, Okla. (KFOR) – Sometimes the world paints a picture for us – circumstances beyond our control. But it is how we use our experiences, our talents and our gifts to paint a different one.

“We took 20 kids shopping,” McLoud Police Department Chief Wes Elliott said. “We give each of them a hundred dollars to spend on whatever they wanted for Christmas.”

You’ve probably heard of Shop with a Cop, but wait until you hear what one little girl bought with her $100.

“The officer who was with her said the first thing she did was went and got a coat. She said she didn’t have a coat, and then the next thing she did was got a Buzz Lightyear doll,” Elliott said. “She said it was for one of the other little kids in the trailer park who probably wasn’t going to get anything for Christmas.”

Oklahoma winters can get pretty cold, and this child buying a gift for another child is sure to warm your heart. But wait. She then went from the toy section to the art section of Wal-Mart. Her name is Angel, and given her actions on this day, she sure seems like one.

“So then she went and bought painting supplies,” Elliott said. “She was wanting the painting supplies to paint paintings to try to sell them before Christmas to help her family with Christmas and possibly pay some bills.”

Unbelievable, huh? The officers at the McLoud Police Department thought so, too, and decided to help her get a head start with an online auction of her first painting. Bidding started at $100 and ended at $600. Here’s what Angel did with the money.

“I think I’m going to pay some of my mom and dad’s bills and then put a little bit away for college,” Angel said.

And here’s what officers did. They nominated Angel for Pay It Forward.

“We love to hear such heartfelt stories, and we’d love to help you pay it forward to Angel for her big heart, for her family and for her neighborhood,” Kimberly Clift of First Fidelity Bank said. “So on behalf of First Fidelity Bank, we are thrilled to present you with $400.”

Angel is here, but she doesn’t know we are.

“Are you Angel? I’m Joleen Chaney with News 4. We have a program called Pay It Forward, and it’s to recognize people in the community who have really big hearts. Chief Elliot and the police department nominated you, and we’ve heard that you’re a really good artist. Chief Elliot has something for you to put with the money that you’ve already earned with your paintings.”

“You really touched a lot of my officers hearts, and it’s good to see that someone your age looks out for other people,” Chief Elliott said. “With First Fidelity Bank and Channel 4 News, they want to present you with $400 to pay it forward.”

“Thank you.”

One of Angel’s paintings portrays a peaceful place, an escape from a world that isn’t always peaceful.

“I started painting this, and what I first started doing I started watching Bob Ross a little bit. I watched a few of his videos, and that’s what inspired me to do the painting. I did the sky and the water first. Then I did the trees. I made a little hill right here with that tree, too. Then I made the bushes,” Angel said.

Angel is soft spoken, but her actions speak volumes.

Angel has a really big heart and we at News 4 are so happy that we got to meet you. So many people were touched by what Angel did and the gift that she has, and we just wanted to surprise her one more time with $400 and help her continue doing what she does.

If you’d like to support Angel’s art endeavors, or if you’d like to purchase one of her paintings, contact the McLoud Police Department.

Nominate someone for Pay it 4Ward!

Pay It 4Ward is a program through which KFOR-TV viewers can help someone they know who could use extra cash immediately.

Each week someone will receive $400 cash because one of their friends or co-workers wants to “Pay It 4Ward.”

When nominating, make sure to include your name, daytime phone number, who you nominate and why. Please follow all the criteria when nominating. 

Email all that detailed information to us for it to be considered. 


Pay It 4Ward is sponsored by First Fidelity Bank.