
Pay it 4ward: Meet the ‘Watch Dog Dads of Yukon Schools’

YUKON, Okla. — Kids certainly learn from the adults around them. Research has recently cited the lack of male role models in many single parent homes. In an effort to combat that one father and grandfather is taking the lead in Yukon.

It’s high fives and high expectations; that’s what this group of dads is all about. Tonight you get to meet the Watch Dog Dads of the Yukon schools.

The watchdog program is a volunteer program for dads, uncles, grandpas and male figures in life to come and volunteer time with the schools.

And the man behind it all in this district is Greg Reynolds.

“I enjoy being there early in the morning; greeting them when they get off the bus helping them open the door,” Bobby Owens says.

Owens nominated Reynolds for our Pay it 4Ward award.

Greg sparked the program and leads by example

“Greg Reynolds has started by himself, the Watch Dog Dads Program in Yukon Schools at six of our schools,” Owens says. “He buys lunches for students that don’t have lunch money. He buys shoes. He pays for kids to go on field trips.”

“He feels the most important accomplishment is being a father and a grandfather, so he believes strongly in getting dads involved in schools,” Owens explains.

Those at Yukon schools, lead by Donita Brown and Bobby Owens; rally behind Greg’s nomination for Pay it 4ward.

Donita and Bobby are introduced to David Fiesel from Spirit Bank and he’s come out to Yukon with a little gift.

“Spirit Bank is very excited to be able to do a Pay it 4ward in conjunction with NewsChannel 4 and we understand that our nominee today Greg does a lot out of his pocket and [he] does a lot for his students so Bobby we are happy to give you $400,” Fiesel says

“Thank you sir, he well deserves it,” Bobby Owens says. “He does not do it for recognition, so he won’t have a clue.”

It was so true. He was knee deep in students; helping with vision screenings.

News Channel 4’s Meg Alexander walked up to him and says, “How are you? We have a program; Pay it 4ward that we do at Spirit Bank and Bobby has something for you.”

“On behalf of Spirit Bank and NewsChannel 4 we offer you $400 to pay it 4ward,” Owens says.

“The real honor goes to the dads who come here to spend time with their children. That’s the real reason for the watch dog dad program,” Reynolds says.

Which is what happens here day after day; thanks to Greg.

“How important is it for these kids to see these male role models?” Meg asks Greg.

“You can’t put a price on it,” Reynolds answers.

He is a man with a mission; always thinking of the next generation.

“I might buy some extra watch dog shirts,” Greg Reynolds says.

“He’s a grandfather, he could be sitting at home relaxing in front of the TV but he believes in children and our future and he’s patrolling our schools to help keep us safe,” Donita Brown says.

Reynolds has a prosthetic arm. He lost it in a lawn mowing accident 20 years ago, but never lets it stand in his way and even works as a mentor for young people who’ve lost limbs as well.

If you know of someone that deserves recognition, you can nominate them here.