Pastor admits to having AIDS, sleeping with church members

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MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WSFA) – A Montgomery church was rocked after a shocking admission by one of the leaders.

According to WSFA, Juan Demetrius McFarland, the former pastor of Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, confessed from the pulpit a few Sundays ago that he had AIDS.

He also confessed that he had slept with church members without telling them that he had AIDS.

McFarland says that he contracted HIV in 2003 and discovered that he had AIDS in 2008.

Once the pastor started revealing more and more on each Sunday, members and church leaders realized that he had crossed the line.

McFarland admitted to using drugs and mishandling of church funds, but the biggest bombshell was yet to come.

“He concealed from the church that he had knowingly engaged in adultery in the church building with female members of Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church while knowingly having AIDS,” said Nathan Williams Jr., the church deacon.

“Who does this to people, and you are the leader? Who does this?” asked a church member.

Williams says leaders have obtained legal counsel and are now focused on moving forward.

However, several church members are now worried about their own health.

“I know a young lady who is a member of the church who says she has slept with him and that she didn’t want this to go public. And she’s running out now trying to find out if there is anything wrong with her,” the member said. “And my heart goes out to her because she’s been a wonderful church member, and then for something like this to happen. The fact that he didn’t tell them at all. That’s a crime in itself.”


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