Be Kind: Putnam City students encourage each other to support each other through life’s struggles

Our Schools
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OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – Students at Putnam City North High have started a movement and it began with one simple message: be kind.

“Giving them a reason to be happy when they come to school. I think that’s the biggest thing because sometimes we’re overwhelmed when we come to school,” said Senior Taleaha Lee.

Lee founded the psychology club.

In their first year, members are learning about issues overwhelming students before they even step into the school building.

As a part of “Pawsitivity Week,” the Panthers were asked to anonymously submit something nobody knows they’re going through, then their peers read them in a video shared with the school.

Psychology teacher, Brooke Fonzi says they purposefully added even the most upsetting statements, not wanting to sugarcoat.

“The whole idea was to get students to stop and look around and realize that if you’re struggling, someone else is, too,” said Fonzi.

Because sometimes, those who need it most aren’t listening.

“Mental health is real and it exists and people here struggle with it too. If you don’t have an understanding and you don’t create a safe space for your children then this is their safe space,” said Senior Isabella Degiusti.

It’s still early on, but these students are on their way to creating that safe space.

“Reaction was overwhelmingly positive. Everybody really accepted it,” said Principal Carole Buhr.

“Students are already asking us when we will be able to do positivity week again. So we hope to do one in the Spring,” Fonzi continued.

Our sponsor of What’s Right With Our Schools, Just Kids Pediatrics, is proud to recognize this impactful initiative at Putnam City North High School.

“Any time that students can encourage other students in positive ways, it’s a win-win. I think that’s amazing,” said Dr. Angela Yaffe with Just Kids Pediatrics.

Great students and teachers at Putnam City North making an impact and a great example of What’s Right With Our Schools.

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