One ton statue vanishes from front lawn

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EDMOND, Okla. – We’ve heard of thieves taking just about anything, but a one ton statue is a new kind of haul.

The one-ton statue of pure marble vanished from Charlie Dry’s front lawn.

“This is huge,” said Dry. “So this had to be really planned out. It just stunned me, just stunned me. I’m not sure I’m not still stunned about it. I just can’t believe it’s gone.”

A former NASA test astronaut, Dry has seen some difficult tasks pulled off. But this one was six feet tall, five feet long and three feet wide. How could crooks get away with it in broad daylight without anyone noticing?

“This was planned, and they had to bring this big truck in here with a fork lift to hook it in here, lift the statue up, put it on a flat bed, put the fork life back on the truck, and then drive away,” said Dry.

The tracks leave an eerie trail of evidence.

“This is my home, and when you invade somebody’s home, you’re invading their heart,” said Dry. “That’s when you’re really crushing the inner man.”

He hopes the thieves hear him when he says, “You’re touching families, you’re touching lives. Do what you gotta do with the statue. Just stop it right there. Leave everybody else alone.”

If you have any information that can help locate the statue, call the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office.

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