Oklahoma 12-year-old allegedly steals vehicle, leading to police chase

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MUSTANG, Okla. – On Monday afternoon, police responded after a 12-year-old allegedly stole a vehicle which led to a pursuit.

“About 2 o’clock, we got a call from Mustang PD,” said Assistant Chief Michael Scott with Tuttle PD. “They were in pursuit of a vehicle that was about to come into our jurisdiction.”

The driver was traveling on Highway 4 and allegedly reached high speeds at one point.

“We had an officer on highway staged there when the vehicle passed by,” Scott said.

Scott said Mustang PD didn’t request assistance from Tuttle police but he decided to have an officer trail just in case things got ugly.

“He said there were about five cars involved in the pursuit,” Scott said. “So, he just trailed without being involved in case it came to a conclusion beyond the city limits then we could help then.”

According to the Chickasha Express-Star News, the driver was only 12 years old.

It’s a rare case, and what’s also rare – Scott says a pursuit only goes through Tuttle about two-three times a year.

The driver allegedly came to a stop just north of the entrance to the H.E. Bailey Turnpike.

“I’m glad that it didn’t turn out bad for sure,” Scott said.

According to the Chickasha News, the teen stole the vehicle from Oklahoma City.

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