
Mom’s trick for pain-free splinter removal goes viral

A mother’s trick for pain-free splinter removal has gone viral.

Claire Bullen-Jones, of Wigan, England, recently shared a tip she has been using to help get rid of her children’s splinters.

The mother’s Facebook post has since gone viral, receiving more than 70,000 shares.

Bullen-Jones said all you need for the pain-free trick is a syringe.

“Put the small hole at the bottom of the syringe as best you can over the splinter. Once you know your above it, make sure the syringe is touching the skin-and pull! Make sure there’s no gaps otherwise you won’t get it! The syringe will more than likely pull it out in the first go! Pain free, no tugging and pulling, and no little ones upset or scared at getting it out! Don’t pull slowly! You need to pull rather quickly! If it’s a stubborn splinter, just do this a couple of times! Saves so much time, and well worth seeing the kids smile at the end of it rather than red faces and tears! “

According to Daily Mail, the trick can be copied with any form of oral syringe used to administer children’s medicine, like Children’s Motrin or Tylenol.