Chief Meteorologist Mike Morgan to be honored for keeping others safe in tornadoes


Chief Meteorologist Mike Morgan

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OKLAHOMA CITY – Our own Chief Meteorologist Mike Morgan will be honored with the Lee Allen Smith Spirit of Oklahoma Award Thursday.

Oklahoma Christian will present Morgan with the award for his tireless efforts to keep others safe and informed during the May tornadoes.

Gary England and Damon Lane will be also be honored.

According to Oklahoma Christian, the award is given annually to individuals who has devoted themselves to the betterment of Oklahoma.

The honor is named after Lee Allen Smith, a tireless proponent of Oklahoma City and the state as a whole.

“These exceptional weathermen were three of the many heroes who emerged as the deadly tornadoes battered our state in May,” OC president John deSteiguer said. “Their expertise, instincts and professionalism saved countless lives. Their invaluable service under pressure embodies the spirit of Oklahoma.”

Morgan has won five Emmy awards since joining the station in 1993.

He has received the Oklahoma Association of Broadcasters Award for the state’s best 10 p.m. weathercast 11 times and also has won a Radio Television News Directors’ Association Award.

Following the devastating 1999 tornadoes, Gov. Keating presented Morgan with the Humanitarian Award for going above and beyond the call of duty.

MORE: Get more information on the award from Oklahoma Christian

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