Oklahoma child fighting hard after being born with heart condition

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OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – One of the biggest firsts with your child is bringing them home for the first time.

But for one Oklahoma child, who’s not quite a year old, that hasn’t happened yet.

Xavier has never seen the outside of the hospital walls.

“When you have a doctor walk into your room just after you gave birth, and they tell you that your son is very sick, you don’t know what to expect,” said Gina Sadberry. “You don’t know if he’s going to make it through the night.”

After birth, Sadberry did not get to hold Xavier for the first time.

Instead, doctors whisked him away. That’s how serious his heart condition was.

All of Xavier’s “firsts” were suddenly put on hold.

“You break down and cry, but you pick yourself back up and keep going,” Sadberry said.

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