Infectious disease doctor talks latest coronavirus developments in Sooner State

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OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – Chief of Infectious Diseases at OU Medicine, Dr. Douglas Drevets says we are doing more social distancing than we were 2 weeks ago.

“You have to realize that when you look at hospitalizations, these folks were probably infected up to a week ago and so we’re always looking backwards at what might have worked,” said Drevets.

Drevets says one of the difficulties hospitals are facing is when patients conditions worsen.

“You have to use therapies, which are not approved for infectious diseases and can suppress the immune system to try to make them better. So that’s the tough thing is knowing exactly when to throw that pass and when to continue to watch folks with continued supportive care,” he said.

He says some of the patterns of COVID-19 are proving to be similar in Oklahoma, compared to other parts of the world.

“For example we see very few pediatric cases. Folks under the age of 20 are generally going to do extremely well although they may be infected they have very few symptoms and will get through it just fine,” he said.

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