Charges filed against driver after Chickasha bicyclist hit, killed by vehicle

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GRADY COUNTY, Okla. (KFOR) — Charges have now been filed against a man accused of crashing into a bicyclist, killing him, back in August of 2019.

“He wanted to live and he had said that many times – ‘I want to live. I want to see my grandkids,’” Chanda Lewis told News 4.

Lewis is talking about her longtime coworker, 47-year-old Scott Womack.

“He was a friend to everyone,” she said.

Lewis worked with Womack for 20 years at Grady Memorial Hospital, where she said he had just been promoted to Director of Surgery.

“I could not believe it. When you talk to someone every day and then they’re just gone,” Lewis said.

It happened on August 27, 2019.

Lewis said it was a cool, cloudy day and Womack decided to go for a ride on his bicycle, when a pickup, driven by Bryan Bingham, crashed into him, killing him.

“He drove up here and up into that field. Like, all this on the ground is from Bryan going this way and onto the field,” Lewis told News 4 at the crash site. “The bicycle was laying there in the road.”

For almost nine months, no arrests were made.

On Thursday of last week, a first-degree manslaughter charge was filed against Bingham.

According to the affidavit, Bingham was traveling at 56-57 MPH in a 45 MPH zone.

He had “finished up a phone call seven seconds prior to impacting the bicycle.”

While “state statute requires a vehicle passing a bicyclist to stay three feet from the bicyclist,” according to the court documents, “Bingham failed” to do that.

“We are glad that something is going to be done, that there’s going to be justice for Scott,” Lewis said.

Womack’s wife, Chelley, sent KFOR the following statement on Wednesday,

“This has been the hardest nine months of my life. He was our everything. We were like one, doing everything together. We loved our family and we were very close. It breaks my heart daily that Scott is not here to see his kids live life. Our daughter and son-in-law, Brittni and James Boyer, have our two grandbabies, Adilyn and Weston. Adi was Scott’s world. Scott was the best Bop any grandchild could ask for. Weston Wayne (named after Scott) was born Friday and will never know his Bop. Scott would have been so proud of him. Scott has two grandbabies that he will never get to see grow up…this breaks my heart.

Scott was my rock, and now I feel that I am alone, but yet I have to be the strong person that he fell in love with. I put aside my feelings so that I can be strong and comforting for our kids and grandbabies. Life is so so hard without him. I miss him every single minute of every day. There are still days that I have to make myself get out of bed – I just miss him so much. Scott was the love of my life; I loved him with all of my heart, and now it is crushed into tiny pieces. I will never be the same person I was nine months ago.”

Chelley, Scott Womack’s wife

Womack’s daughter, Brittni Boyer, sent us this statement:

“He came into my life when I was 6 years old, from that day forward he loved me like I was his own. I never had to question how much love he had for me. He was there supporting me in anything that I did. He walked me down the aisle on my wedding day and gave me away. He was my DAD and I loved him. He was the best Bop to his granddaughter, Adilyn; he loved her with his whole heart, and she loved him just as much back. I know that love would of been the same for second grandchild, Weston. We miss him terribly, and I wish he was able to be with us to watch my babies grow.”

Brittni Boyer

News 4 also heard from Womack’s son, Jake Womack. He sent the following statement:

“He was somebody that I admired to the core; he drove me to be better than I was the day before. That didn’t matter if it was in live, and trust me he expected the best, but in everyday life as well. We had a special bond, one that not every father and son have. We were as tight and close as I think a father and son can be. Not only was he my father, but he was my mentor and my best friend. I loved him with every ounce in my body.”

Jake Womack

News 4 contacted Bingham’s attorney, Bret Burns. He sent us this statement:

“Bryan Bingham was charged with First Degree Manslaughter because he was allegedly speeding 10-15 mph over the speed limit on a county road. He hit a spot in the road where the sun was in his eyes and he didn’t see Scott Womack, who was riding his bicycle on the roadway. This was 100% an accident that did not involve alcohol or drugs. Bryan and his family are devastated and very remorseful for the death of Scott Womack.”

Bret Burns, attorney

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