Judge: Elephants can be moved to Oklahoma City Zoo


Photo: Ryan Hawk/Woodland Park Zoo

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SEATTLE — A judge has ruled that two elephants can be moved to the Oklahoma City Zoo, according to reports from Seattle news sources.

KOMO is reporting that animal welfare activists who were trying to block the animals’ transfer and wanted the two elephants sent to a wildlife sanctuary were dealt the legal blow in court Friday.

The Elephant Justice Project sought the injunction at a hearing on Friday to prevent the elephants from being moved until their lawsuit is heard.

Judge Palmer Robinson ruled in favor of Woodland Park Zoo, who want to loan the animals to the Oklahoma City Zoo long-term.

“It is important to move our elephants in a timely manner for their welfare. This decision allows us to move forward with our plans to place Chai and Bamboo with a new multigenerational family at Oklahoma City Zoo,” Dr. Deborah Jensen of the Woodland Park Zoo said in a Friday afternoon news release, reports KOMO.

Seattle Mayor Ed Murray and a majority of the Seattle City Council had asked that the elephants be sent to a sanctuary – or a home where they would have more space.

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