
Lung cancer survivor thrilled with new heating and air unit

OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – Kirk Thrasher is through with cold nights! You may remember Kirk from a couple weeks back, after his close friend reached out to In Your Corner.

She hoped that we could arrange for a desperately needed upgrade to Kirk’s old heating and air units.

“I love him and he needed it,” explained Star Reed. “He’s always been there for us, me and my family.”

“I’m making it by, but thing needs to be replaced. It’s probably been here long as the house Has,” added Kirk.

We called our buddies at TS Heat and Air and Heritage Electric, who got right to work.

“We thought we might try to look at things, see what we could do to fix it up for you,” said Terry Shinn with TS Heat and Air. “It’s time to pay it forward.”

We checked back in with Terry and the crews to see how Kirk’s house looks now.

“We took out his old heating and air conditioning equipment,” said Terry. “Put a brand new high efficiency Lennox system in for him.”

Kirk, Terry, and Russell Shaver with Heritage Electric are cut from the same cloth. For two-plus decades, Kirk worked as an electrician.

“He’s an electrician himself, so he’s taken really good care of everything,” said Russell.

“It’s nice to help a tradesman out,” added Terry. “He’s been a tradesman his whole life; sort of nice to give back to our own kind.”

In recent years, times are tough, as Kirk continues to recover from cancer.

He had a lung removed last year and had to go through most of the winter without heat.

But thanks to a close friend and local businesses, the cold nights are long gone.

“Their generosity for doing it, I couldn’t be happier,” said Kirk.