
‘I actually feel sick,’ Student finds mold on lunch at Oklahoma City high school

OKLAHOMA CITY – It was a moldy surprise for one metro student at lunch. A student at Putnam City North High School was served a sandwich with mold on it — and she took a photo to prove it.

“It was a mistake, and it’s a mistake we’ll fix,” said Steve Lindley with Putnam City Schools.

Lindley said 19,000 meals are served each day in the district and 1,700 of them are at Putnam City North.

The food is delivered by a company called Sodexo and, when it reaches the school cafeteria, it’s supposed to be checked.

“In this case, a mistake was made,” Lindley said. “That sandwich or that piece of bread was moldy, and it shouldn’t have been served, someone should have seen it.”

The district said the student who was served the moldy sandwich reported it immediately.

“What happened is what should have happened,” Lindley said. “The student saw it. The student went to the principal and said ‘This is moldy,’ and he said, ‘Well, let’s go see the cafeteria manager.’”

The sandwich was tossed, and she was given a new one. The rest of the bread was also inspected, and no further mold was found. But, the district said it’s now going to be taking a closer look.

“For us, it means retraining, re-emphasizing, making sure those procedures are in place to prevent this from happening and those procedures are actually followed,” Lindley said. “Our customers, in this case, are our students. We want them to have the best and most fresh food they can have.”

We reached out to Sodexo, the company that supplies the food, for comment. They told us they were looking into it.
