Holtzclaw sobs, stares down jury after found guilty in 18 of 36 sexual assault charges 

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OKLAHOMA CITY – Inside the court room, Daniel Holtzclaw sat looking somber and started sobbing as the judge began to read the jury’s verdict.

The former Oklahoma City police officer was found guilty on 18 of 36 charges of sexual assault.

The jury recommended a total of 263 years.

Eighteen of the counts, he was found not guilty.

“Didn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt,” said David Prater, Oklahoma County District Attorney.

The district attorney said not to blame that on the victims.

“I want it to be clear: it’s not because they didn’t believe the victims,” Prater said.

As the judge moved through each count, Holtzclaw sobbed emotionally.

At times, his family had loud outbursts.

“I’m going to make sure he never sees the light of day,” Prater said.

As the judge read the last few charges, Holtzclaw continued to cry.

He stood up and shook his head towards his family, mouthing “I didn’t do it.”

As he walked out, he stared down members of the jury.

This all on his 29th birthday.

“To the members of the African American community, we will stand up for any person no matter what they look like or what church they go to,” Prater said.

A sentencing hearing is set for January 21, 2016 at 10 a.m.

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