New English Teacher at Enid High has a Long History With Halloween

Great State
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ENID, OKLAHOMA — You can just about see freshmen eyes glaze over. The students in 3rd hour English One are suffering through a lesson on active listening while daydreaming like Walter Mitty.

The ‘pocketa-pocketa’ of the air conditioner morphs into something else entirely.

First year teacher Brian Young does his best to keep them engaged, but he too has a lot of open windows leading outside these cinder block walls.

“My mind is trying to keep it all together in a bubble,” he says.

He might have mentioned it the first day of school in Enid but who listened then about his bachelors degree in History and English Literature, or about his having an extremely rare Masters degree in Arthurian Studies from a Welsh University.

He’s written 15 books.

He can read and write in ancient Celt.

He once taught classes as Northern College, but applied for a position here at Enid High so he could teach again.

Young says, “I like seeing all the lights come on. I see it every day even in this first week.”

Aside from his class room bona fides, a few of Young’s students knew him from one other place, television.

For several years ‘The Mysterious Lab of Dr. Fear’ made regular appearances on Enid’s Pagasys Cable access station.

We made a trip to see the lab for a Great State story in 2007.

“It’s kind of strange, kind of unusual,” he says of the difference between his life then and his new job now. “My Dr. Fear days are over but not completely. We do our Scare on the Square’ bit. That’s still going on.”

So it’s safe to say Mr. Young has interests that lie outside the classroom.

He may be the most overqualified first year teacher in Oklahoma this fall.

Young is more of the Walter Mitty type, his mind on other things.

But if he can imagine himself a teacher he might be able to reach a few of these kids who imagine themselves reaching beyond these cinder block walls.

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