Hundreds of students, along with educators and parents turned out this evening for a special delivery of moon rocks. Bob Moore Chopper 4 pilot/reporter Jon Welsh personally flew moon rocks, on loan from NASA to Mustang Creek Elementary School’s special celebration called, “Mustang Creek Rocks The Moon.”
Bob Moore Chopper 4 pilot/reporter Jon Welsh personally flew moon rocks, on loan from NASA to Mustang Creek Elementary School’s special celebration called, “Mustang Creek Rocks The Moon.”
“Today is about bringing moon rocks to the students so they can see something. That lets our students see something they don’t normally get to see. This event started small but gets bigger each year. Our students love this event,” said Susan Dombek, principal of Mustang Creek.
The students have been learning about the moon and space, But that’s not all. Severe weather season is here, and they have been studying meteorology and the weather. Judging by the great turnout and the noise level inside the gym, the Mustang Creek Students had a fantastic time.
Star Wars characters were also on hand along with the University of Oklahoma mascot Boomer to help cheer on the students.