Former Oklahoma teacher charged with sexually abusing a male student


McKensey Blane Maddox

This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated.

MEDFORD, Okla. – A former Oklahoma teacher is accused of sexually abusing a male student.

McKensey Blane Maddox, 27, was charged with a felony count of child sexual abuse after he was accused of touching a 17-year-old student’s private areas while acting as the student’s teacher, the Enid News and Eagle reports.

The alleged incidents took place while Maddox was a vo-ag teacher with Medford Public Schools.

The student told investigators that while traveling for agriculture shows, he and Maddox shared a bed in hotel rooms on several occasions.

Court documents state that the 17-year-old said there were several times he woke up and Maddox was touching his private areas.

When investigators questioned him about the alleged incidents, Maddox reportedly admitted to touching the student in a sexual manner, the affidavit states.

Maddox’s teaching license has since been suspended, the Enid News and Eagle reports.

He is now facing one felony count of child sexual abuse.


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