
Five Oklahoma Highway Patrol Troopers honored with Purple Heart Awards

OKLAHOMA CITY – Five Oklahoma Highway Patrol Troopers were honored Thursday with the Purple Heart Awards for exceptional acts of bravery in the line of duty.

The troopers are from Troop A in Oklahoma City.

The awards were presented by Department of Public Safety Commissioner Michael C. Thompson and OHP Chief Ricky Adams at Troop A headquarters.

“It’s an honor for us to recognize these people and the tremendous cost that goes with the responsibility of protecting and serving the public,” Adams said. “These individuals have paid a great cost and we are very grateful that they survived their ordeals and are still with us today. They will always carry the scars from these experiences and the Purple Heart Award is just a token of our appreciation for the exceptional service they have rendered to the state of Oklahoma.”

Trooper Dennis Dickens #563

Trooper Dennis Dickens

Trooper Jason Richardson #367

Trooper Jason Richardson

Trooper Steven Johnson #808

Trooper Steven Johnson

Trooper Chris Bunch #313 and Trooper Ryan Smith #629

Trooper Chris Bunch