
Facebook adds new “secret conversations” that many say makes cheating easier

Facebook recently released a brand new feature found within its messaging system that has privacy-lovers rejoicing, and others concerned that it could make online infidelity even easier.

Messenger now allows you to set up a “secret conversation” with any of Facebook Messenger’s one billion users.

By clicking on “secret” in the latest version of the Messenger app, the user will have access to the secret message on only the device they were using when they sent the message.

This means that if they log into their account on any other device, that secret message is invisible.

Even Facebook itself will not have access to the end-to-end encrypted secret conversations.

CNNMoney reports that Messenger is also following in the steps of the social media platform SnapChat by allowing those secret conversations to expire after five seconds or to last for a full day.

Use of the new secret conversations, of course, does not mean that its users are being unfaithful in their love life.

The feature can also be used for conversations involving private matters, such as attorney-client information, confidential work-related issues, financial information, and health-related concerns.

Important note:  the messages will only be kept secret if both the user and the receiver have the latest version of iOS and Android Messenger apps installed.