OKLAHOMA CITY – As drought conditions worsen, the Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts is encouraging agriculture producers to think before they plow.
According to a statement from the President of the OACD Kim Farber, agriculture producers should think long and hard before rushing into their fields to plow up acres where wheat is being abandoned or where farmers are considering growing summer crops.
The National Weather Service has already issued blowing dust warnings for areas of the state.
Farber reminds farmers and ranchers to be careful not to open themselves up to the specter of soil loss and dust storms due to the high winds.
According to the statement, drought conditions in parts of western and central Oklahoma combined with the freeze that struck the southern plains in mid-April has caused a potential for many Oklahoma wheat acres to be declared a total failed crop.
“Producers need to look at all their options before they tear into their fields this spring and summer,” Farber said. “Luckily there are alternatives that can help control weeds while reducing costs and exposure to wind erosion.”
Farber suggests farmers and ranchers consider alternatives to traditional cultivation such as no-till and minimum-til.
To read the full statement, click here.