Driver charged in crash that killed KFOR’s Bob Barry, Jr. pleads guilty

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OKLAHOMA CITY – It’s an accident that stunned sports fans across the state, along with all of us here at NewsChannel 4.

In June, NewsChannel 4 Sports Director Bob Barry, Jr. was killed in an accident involving his motorized scooter along May Ave. in northwest Oklahoma City.

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Police said Gustavo Gutierrez made an illegal U-turn, cutting in front of Barry’s scooter, causing him to crash into the side of the vehicle.

Gutierrez was charged with causing an accident while operating a vehicle without a state driver’s license and possession of cocaine.

In September, Gutierrez waived his preliminary hearing in the case, meaning he would go to trial if a plea deal was not reached.

Gustavo Gutierrez
Gustavo Gutierrez

On Thursday, Gutierrez went before a judge and pleaded guilty to the charges.

Officials believe that Gutierrez will serve five years in prison for causing the accident and 10 years for the cocaine possession.  Those sentences would run concurrently.

NewsChannel 4 spoke with Barry’s widow, Gina, on Thursday. Gina and Barry’s children were in the courtroom, but were too emotional to talk.

However, they wanted us to convey that they appreciate everyone’s thoughts and prayers.

Gina said simply, “We still miss Bobby every single day.”

Gina and Bob Barry, Jr.
Gina and Bob Barry, Jr.

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