Church’s Chicken franchise owner dies


Not long after the restaurants were closed, the owner, 55-year-old Lyndon Johnson, was reported missing.

This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated.

FARMERS BRANCH, Texas – An embattled owner of several Church’s Chicken restaurants in the Oklahoma City area has died.

The Oklahoma Tax Commission says they were forced to close 15 Church’s Chicken restaurants in the Oklahoma City and Tulsa areas after taxes were not paid.

The owner of those restaurants, Lyndon Johnson, was reported missing a short time after they closed, but was later found ‘alive and well.’

On Tuesday, the management at Church’s Chicken released a statement, announcing his death.

“We were saddened to learn of the death of a former franchisee in the Church’s system, Lyndon Johnson. The family has asked that details surrounding his death remain a private matter and we will respect their request.

Lyndon was a highly respected leader in the franchisee community and mentor to many other franchisees. He served for many years as the President of the Church’s Independent Franchisee Association and as a member of the Board of Directors of the charitable Church’s Partners Foundation. As a system, we grieve the loss of a former colleague, a father and a husband. We will remember the contributions he made to his community during the growth of his business and family.

We ask that everyone send positive thoughts and prayers to his wife Deborah, his daughter and extended family,” the statement read.

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