Chickasaw Nation casinos set to reopen

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NORMAN, Okla. (KFOR) -Tomorrow, casinos owned by the Chicksasw Nation like Riverwind, Winstar and Newcastle casinos will reopen with some new health rules.

“They’ll see a few changes,” said Justin Yahola, General Manager at Riverwind Casino.

The biggest change: masks on everyone, staff and guests alike.

“Patrons will be required to wear masks, yes. Smoking, any beverages, any food, once that has been completed, please put your mask back on,” said Yahola.

When Riverwind re-opens Wednesday, they will only allow in customers up to 25 % capacity.

Social distancing will be strongly encouraged with signs on the ground.

“We have removed every other chair to help promote that,” said Yahola.

The chair removal applies to the slots  and also at bars and restaurants.

Beverage stands will be closed, so will table games and the poker rooms.

All concerts and events have been postponed at Riverwind and at windows and food stands, there will be Plexiglas shields.

Officials say staff will be continually cleaning and all employees and vendor will have been COVID-19 tested before reopening.

“Once our doors open, we will take a scientific approach continue some sampling and continue to test our employees probably ever two weeks,” said Yahola.

Both staff and patrons will be temperature screened before entering. If you test at over 100.4, you won’t be allowed in.

Chickasaw Nation casinos are some of the last in the metro to reopen.

Officials say the wanted to make sure all safety measures were in place for employees and especially for their senior, at-risk customers.

“That’s one of the reason we may not have been one of the first facilities to open,” said Yahola.

Another change, Riverwind will no longer be open 24 hours. They will be closed from 4-8 a.m. for industrial sanitizers to be brought in.

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