
Car with body inside, both missing since 2006, was visible on Google Maps

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BYRON CENTER, Mich. — Employees at a Michigan funeral home were using a lift to decorate a tree for the holidays when they saw the roof of a car in a nearby pond.

When authorities pulled the car from the pond, they found a person’s body inside the vehicle, FOX 17 reports.

According to WOOD-TV, the body is believed to be that of Davie Lee Niles.

Niles disappeared on Oct. 11, 2006.

After five years, family members published an obituary for Niles.

“Davie Lee Niles, age 72, of Wyoming, passed away and only God knows the time and place,” the 2011 obituary read online.

Family members told WOOD-TV that they are grateful Niles’ body has been found.

“For us today, it’s a closure of a long search,” Niles son-in-law, Scott Hathaway, said. “Why God waited nine years, I have no idea, but we’re happy.”

At this time, authorities do not suspect foul play.

The submerged car is visible in satellite images from Google Maps.

Pond at Byron Manor. Source: Google Maps
The red circle highlights the area where the car was located in the pond. | Source: Google Maps