American Banjo Museum opens Steve Martin exhibit

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OKLAHOMA CITY – Bricktown is home to various attractions, including the American Banjo Museum.

It was just last July when Steve Martin was inducted into the museum’s Hall of Fame.

“I’m just another banjo player who is being inducted into the Hall of Fame,” Martin said.

Steve Martin has done a lot for the world of banjos and now you can check out the American Banjo Museum’s latest exhibit, the “Banjo World of Steve Martin.”

The exhibit provides a look at the musical side of Martin and features banjos from his private collection.

In addition to memorabilia and rare photos, the exhibit features an exclusive interview with Martin where he discusses his love for the banjo.

“When Steve Martin plays the banjo, people listen. And he has taken our instrument to so many people. It’s really been a service he provided to the banjo world, let’s put it that way. And we wanted to honor him for that,” said Johnny Baier, executive director of the American Banjo Museum.

“The Banjo World of Steve Martin” can only be found at the American Banjo Museum.

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