
Teen fears her past health issues will prevent a family from adopting her

EDMOND, Okla. (KFOR) – Maesa turned 15 on Monday so a big happy birthday to her! This sweet gal loves the country, animals and wearing jewelry. We took her to the Edmond Arts Institute to make some jewelry.

“We’re going to make something fun and easy today, and it’s something you can go back and do with your friends,” Stephanie Carel, instructor at Edmond Fine Arts Institute said.

On this day, Maesa made a bracelet. It’s her favorite type of jewelry to wear.
She used light pink, blue and green because it reminds her of the ocean. A destination she’s seen many times traveling with her biological family.

“Barbados, Jamaica, Belize, Hawaii. There’s a lot of different places,” Maesa said.

Belize is her favorite because she loved snorkeling.

Another pastime Maesa likes is showing rabbits.

“I used to go to Cherokee county FFA and 4H and stuff like that and I used to have 26 rabbits,” Maesa said.

With all her experiences with traveling and competing, it’s hard to believe this teen has overcome extraordinary odds in her young life.

“I was born with cystic fibrosis,” Maesa said.

“They said I’m going to have to have a double lung transplant, so I had a lung transplant when I was 5 and basically I’m doing great now,” Maesa said.

She says she really only needs medication now. Something she takes every day at her group home.

“It’s okay. I really want to be adopted though,” Maesa said.”Because I want to be loved and have a family.”

Maesa doesn’t care what type of family as along as they love and care about her.
She’s worried she might never find a family.

“I’m scared no one’s going to want to adopt me because of my health issues,” Maesa said.

“Why do you think that would be the case?” Reporter Lacey Lett asked.
“Because a lot of people think it’s scary and that they’re not going to be able to do it, but I actually am the one that does most of it.”

A responsible teen who’s wise beyond her years but just looking for a place to call home.

Your best shot at adopting a child is to go ahead and get the process started. It can take a few months to get approved. For all of the details contact the DHS hotline at 1-800-376-9729 or visit online.

A Place to Call Home is sponsored by True Sky Credit Union.