Phase II of the state’s plan to reopen goes into effect Friday

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OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – It’s full steam ahead for phase two of Oklahoma’s grand reopening on Friday, meaning the drinks will once again be flowing in Oklahoma’s bars.

Gov. Stitt was confident Thursday afternoon that it’s time to move forward.

“Our data shows we are in great shape to move to Phase II,” Stitt said in his news conference. “It is time to work together to create the healthiest environment and the strongest economy.”

This phase allows bars to reopen their doors again while abiding by social distancing and other requirements listed in Mayor David Holt’s proclamation. However, some bar owners feel like they’re not ready.

“I’m still on a wait and see basis right now,” said Jeff Rodgers, owner of JJ’s Alley in Bricktown.

He said he has owned the bar for 11 years as of January 2020.

“Our slogan is the coziest, friendliest neighborhood bar in Oklahoma,” Rodgers said.

It may be cozy, but it is small. Only at 13 feet wide on the inside, Rodgers said abiding by those requirements becomes difficult.

“So, the social distancing thing is not going to happen in my place,” he said.

Therefore, the owner of the 11-year-old Bricktown hot spot has decided to stay closed.

“For me to try to keep people six feet away from each other, it’s going to be hard for me to make a penny,” Rodgers said.

We stopped by a handful of other bars in Oklahoma City. Some of them were already open because they also serve food, others were ready to reopen Friday. None of them would speak to us on camera.

It hurts JJ’s Alley to stay closed, according to Rodgers.

“We went from a thriving business to all of a sudden zero income,” he said.

Rodgers said he feels it’s still the right decision for his business at this time.

“I’m trying to take the temperature of the city, of the nation, just see what people’s attitude is about it,” Rodgers said.

Rodgers added that he is aiming to reopen on June 1.

Jones Assembly is another business that plans to wait to reopen.

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