OKC Mayor Holt bolsters Gov. Stitt’s decision to close nonessential businesses to stop coronavirus spread

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OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt said Gov. Kevin Stitt’s actions are positive for Oklahomans, saying they are critical for saving lives from COVID-19.

“The greatest threat to Oklahoma City’s public health in the last half century,” said Mayor Holt.

In Oklahoma, there are now 109 confirmed cases of Coronavirus. Most of those cases are in the heart of Oklahoma County, where Governor Stitt is enforcing new rules.

The closures include, “Businesses with close contact or personal contact like hair salons gyms theaters massage parlors, tattoo parlors,” said Stitt.

Mayor Holt is now working on his own plan for Oklahoma City, but says it will mirror the governor’s restrictions.

“They are critical to saving lives. By taking them on a regional basis and not just city by city, it helps ensure their effectiveness,” said Holt.

Essential workers, like nurses, doctors, first responders, grocery store workers and law enforcement officers will still report to work.

“We need all Oklahomans to take this really, really seriously,” said Stitt.

Right now, the governor says he’s following federal guidelines for what essential workers are included, but he says he will make amendments as needed for Oklahoma businesses, like medical marijuana dispensaries.

For now, leaders are urging Oklahomans to be vigilant.

“I cannot emphasize enough the need for us to continue with the social distancing and making sure we don’t get in groups of 10 or more,” said Stitt.

The order goes into effect at 11:59 p.m. Wednesday. The list of essential workers from the Department of Homeland Security can be found by clicking here.

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