Nonessential businesses prepare to close for weeks

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OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – Corey Sutter, better known as Scissorhands, had a busy Wednesday. His business Fade N Up had clients stacked back to back from open till close.

“I put it out there on my social media, and my barbers did, to let everybody know that this’ll be our least day,” explained Corey.

Corey’s shop, as well as businesses across our state, will be closing their doors following a proclamation by Gov. Kevin Stitt that includes all counties with confirmed COVID-19 cases.

“All nonessential businesses must close by 11:59 [Wednesday],” explained the Governor. “And remain closed for 21 days.”

“I’m just glad we had enough time to make a little money,” said Corey.

As business booms at Fade N Up, across town at Tornado Tattoo, Josh Poindexter was just starting his 2nd to last job for a while.

“This is our tax return season, this is our busiest time of the year every year, and it really sucks to not be working staring tomorrow,” said Josh. “It needs to be done to get everyone better.”

For Josh and Corey, concern lies with their employees.

“It’s all about survival mode. You know, your hustle skills and everything like that,” said Corey. “Cause at the end of the day, none of my barbers, none of my team is rich.”

But small business loans are now available in Oklahoma, and a possible stimulus bill is on the horizon in Washington.

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