3 OSU players test positive for COVID-19 before returning to the field

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STILLWATER, Okla. (KFOR) – Three OSU football players tested positive for COVID-19 the week they were supposed to return to the field.

One of them, sophomore linebacker Amen Ogbongbemiga, tweeted on Tuesday that he tested positive after attending a protest in Tulsa.

In an effort to quell rumors about the number of cases, OSU Athletic Director Kevin Klintworth also took to Twitter, announcing that of the 150 staff, administrators and student athletes tested, three players were positive, but none of them showed symptoms.

According to protocol put in place by OSU, those players will be quarantined and won’t be allowed to return until after they test negative and get permission from a doctor.

KFOR learned that more players were scheduled to return this Sunday, but that has now been postponed.

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