
John Newton hosting workshops in Oklahoma City

OKLAHOMA CITY – You can experience John Newton’s dynamic workshops for clearing personal issues, including clearing issues from your ancestral lineage this week!

Newton himself stopped by Rise and Shine Thursday morning to talk more about the event.

John Newton Oklahoma City Event Thursday May 4th 7:30-9pm Love Offering/Suggested Donation $25  Learn about and experience the miracle of Ancestral Clearing for Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Well-Being.  John Newton offers knowledge, clearings and Q&A to end suffering and support a life of infinite possibility!  Unity Spiritual Life Center, 5603 NW 41st. St., Oklahoma City, OK 73122  Please RSVP Here to ensure a seat!

All of the below events will be held at Radiant Living Center, 6051 N Brookline Ave., STE 127, OKC, OK 73112  A limited number of private sessions are available.  See link at bottom of page.

Friday May 5th  Ancestral Clearing Group Intensive 7:00 – 9:00 pm $45  John shows us how to connect to Source directly to clear burden and imprints from our life and ancestral lineage to promote physical, emotional, financial and spiritual well-being. Group and individual attention will be offered.   RSVP requested  CLICK HERE to register for this event only.  To register for this event and both trainings CLICK HERE  (Select the date, then time for the first event in the pop up calendar – you will be registered for all 3)

 John Newton Oklahoma City Practitioner Training*

We all have the ability to effect our own and each other’s health and well-being. In John’s Practitioner Training he teaches each participant how to use the powerful modalities that allow his clients to experience profound physical, spiritual & emotional well-being & welcomes you to use this work for yourself, your family, friends, community & clients (if you are a healthcare professional).  *John Newton Oklahoma City Training includes follow-up video refreshers including Q&A with John as well as access to the private Facebook Training Graduate Group.

Basic Ancestral Clearing Practitioner Training

Pre-requisite: None

During this full day in-depth, interactive training, John teaches each participant the fundamental practices of Ancestral Clearing, including:
1.    Holding Space
2.    Connecting to the Source of all healing.
3.    Ancestral Forgiveness – How to use the Forgiveness Prayers for specific issues in yourself and others
4.    Directed Breath-work
John will work extensively with individuals on their respective issues as well as with the group as a whole.  Participants will be coached in pairs, honing your ‘healing’ skills.   John will also describe the deeper meaning of specific health issues and the burden that each area of the physical body corresponds to.  *All course materials are provided.   Participants will receive a Basic Practitioner Certificate upon completion

*Course materials are for registered participants and are not to be shared or distributed in any form.

Advanced Ancestral Clearing Practitioner Training – John Newton Oklahoma City

Pre-requisite: Basic Practitioner Training

After a brief review of the Basic training, John teaches each participant Advanced Ancestral Clearing practices including:
• Targeted prayers for specific issues in the body
• Bypassing the mind — your greatest adversary
• Clearing negative mental programming that can affect your results
• Building confidence for consistent results
• Clearing worthiness issues in ourselves and our clients
• Increasing your intuition when working with clients
• Clearing resistance in ourselves and our clients
• Working with addictions
• Using Multi-lateral Tapping (Diagrams of expanded tapping points will be given)
• Using specific prayers for ‘flash clearing’ when time is limited
• Working in potentially hostile environments to complimentary modalities (e.g., hospitals)
• Working with children
• Working with couples/relationships
• Working with large groups
• Working remotely

A diagram of the body and corresponding health implications will be given to all participants.
Please note that your “clients” can be your friends, children or other family members.
During this training there will be time to practice each technique in small groups. Everyone will receive personal coaching throughout the day while working with each other.   John will also continue to work extensively with individuals as well as with the group as a whole.   *All course materials are provided.  Participants will receive an Advanced Practitioner Certificate upon completion.

*Course materials are for registered participants and are not to be shared or distributed in any form.

BASIC TRAINING ONLY – Saturday May 6th 9:30-5:30: $475
ADVANCED TRAINING ONLY – Sunday May 7th 9:00-6:00: $575
If taking both Basic & Advanced Training same weekend:  $975
If repeating Basic Training only $375
If repeating Advanced Training only $475
If repeating Basic and taking Advanced for the first time: $ 850
If repeating both Basic and Advanced Training:  $675
Discounts will be calculated on day of training.


To register for the Friday event and both trainings – Click Here
To register for both Basic & Advanced Training Only – Click Here
To register for Basic Training Only –  Click Here
To register for Advanced Training Only – Click Here


Click here fore more information.